photobcNearly six weeks ago I hit the publish button on my first post Done Waiting For Perfect and gave life to my blog. It felt big and scary, but also super cool. It has already proven to be a wonderful experience. So in an attempt to learn more about this blogging world, last weekend I attended the Minnesota Blogger Conference. It felt a bit like the first day of school and since I’m not the most confident girl in town I was just hoping to fit in. Thankfully, I met some nice people and learned a ton. I got overwhelmed and excited and have wanted nothing more than to spend time with my fingers on the keys since.

It forced me to really think about what I want this blog to be and I have a much clearer vision now than I did a week ago. I am glad I didn’t wait for perfect to get started. I had to start to get to this place of better clarity. I had brainstormed, debated, and searched blog names for a long time before going with Alone With Cookies. It was a little quirky and I thought it was a fun name for a mom who works from home and at times finds herself alone with cookies. But it is not a cooking blog and that seems to be the first assumption people make, which is of course understandable. So as I sat at the conference (during the one speaker that didn’t quite keep my attention) I began to rethink things.

It felt a lot like trying to decide what you want to be when you grow up. Yikes. That’s intimidating. But in the short time this blog has existed I’ve gained some perspective on my style and what is important to me. Your comments and feedback have been awesome! I’m beyond happy that people are reading it. My hope for the blog is that in will make anyone who reads it feel better, think about something in a different light, and/or inspire gratitude – the world needs more of it.

As I sat at the conference I knew the blog needed a new name, so four days later here it is: One Grateful Girl. Because, while I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, I’m certain I always want to be one grateful girl. So it is a bit like my blog got married over the weekend. She has a new name, and a deeper commitment, but is the same girl.

Thanks for being part of my adventure. If you would be so kind as to Like the One Grateful Girl Facebook page and suggest it to anyone you think may enjoy it I would love it (and of course be grateful).

If you have something that you’ve been waiting to do or dreaming about I encourage you to go after it. It feels good to venture out of the comfort zone, expand your horizons, and learn new things.

