Six days ago I got a new vehicle. Not new new, but new to me and ten years newer than my previous vehicle. My husband and I had been tossing around the idea of upgrading for a few months and I’d been looking online for a couple of weeks, but I was still surprised when we ended up at a dealership last Saturday. After what seemed to be a painfully long process, we drove away in my shiny new ride.

It has more bells, whistles, and bling than I’m accustomed. It looks and smells new. It doesn’t have any quirky behavior that causes me to wonder what is about to break. And while that is all fun and good, I was still a bit sad to drive off and leave me blue Jeep behind. Admittedly, I’m a total sentimental sap. But once I realized we were actually making the deal, I began to think of all the places the Jeep had taken me.IMG_2605

It was the only vehicle that I’ve ever purchased brand new and it was exactly what I wanted at the time. There was a sense of accomplishment that came from getting what I wanted and paying for it. Together we put on over 173,350 miles. Part of me thinks that’s a lot of miles for not really going anywhere grand, but the other part of me knows those were some momentous miles.

As I thought about no longer owning the Jeep a lot of memories came to mind. It got me to a job that I didn’t really enjoy, but one that paid well enough to afford the payments of an auto loan. At that time it served as my office and safe haven from tough days cold calling. I thought of the drives to prenatal appointments. I remembered the nervous drive on the way to the hospital early one morning on our way to be induced and days later leaving with our new son in his car seat. I thought of the last drive to see my grandparents in their home and how I cried all the way home knowing the change that loomed. I remembered a lovely fall road trip to a wedding. There were some great conversations had in there. That little Jeep hauled an abundance of beach toys, its share of pumpkins, and countless Target bags.

I know all of those memories are mine to keep. The vehicle was just a tool, but still I feel a little like I lost something. That cushy new power seat (with a working seat heater) help me to move on. I can’t help but wonder what will happen in the miles the new odometer will log. If I keep this vehicle as long as I kept the last, it will likely be the first vehicle our son drives. Yikes. That is both far down the road and closer than it appears.

I’ve always believed the journey is more important than the destination, so while 173,000 plus miles didn’t take me across the country it took me on one heck of a ride.



