Holiday Idea House

Holiday Idea House

Decorating for holidays is something I love to do. When my husband and I shared a basement apartment in college I insisted we get a Christmas tree and it could’ve stayed up all winter as far as I was concerned. It fit perfectly between the mini fridge and the hideous,...
Thin Spaces Bring Heaven to Earth

Thin Spaces Bring Heaven to Earth

Several years ago during a church service I was introduced to the term thin spaces. Thin spaces is an ancient term first used by the Irish, then the Celts, and finally Christians. By definition thin spaces are areas where the space between Heaven and earth is thin....
A Box of Love

A Box of Love

As far as I’m concerned there is a good deal of magic involved in Christmas. Each year I’m giddy to get the tree up, despite the needle pokes and the frustration of lights that worked when put away and now don’t. Some twinkle lights brighten the dull spots of my...