What If We All Just Kept It Simple?

What If We All Just Kept It Simple?

The Minnesota State Fair ended on Labor Day. It had the largest attendance of any fair in our state’s history. My son and I went on the opening day while everything was clean, workers still enthusiastic, and carnival rides in good working order. I’ve never...
Dearest Self

Dearest Self

I wrote a post (Not-So-Sexy Ways To Love Yourself) over on Show Your Blog Love about ways to love yourself. One of my suggestions was to write a love letter to yourself. It sounds cheesy and a little painful, but I tell you what – do it anyway and be honest....
5 Reminders From My Dog

5 Reminders From My Dog

After nearly five years of not so subtle hint dropping my husband lovingly relented and agreed to adopt a dog. (happy wife, happy life) Our last dog was an exceptional creature. The perfect dog really. I truly missed the companionship and wanted our son to grow up...
A Lot of Good People

A Lot of Good People

One of the best bits of blogging advice I’ve received is to “write when it hurts.” I wanted to stay out of it. I had planned to stay quiet. But it hurts to see our country like this, so I write. It has been an unsettling few days since the election....