Pink is for the Girls

Pink is for the Girls

This post is in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is October and there is pink everywhere. Honestly, some of the places I see pink seems a bit silly to me. Does an NFL player wearing pink socks do anything? I’m not sure, but perhaps the cumulative...
Eat The Damn Raisins

Eat The Damn Raisins

A little over two weeks ago I was having a typical day. I was running errands and going in multiple directions. I try to be a regular blood donor and had made an appointment – half out of good intentions and half swayed by the incentive of an Amazon gift card....
Dearest Self

Dearest Self

I wrote a post (Not-So-Sexy Ways To Love Yourself) over on Show Your Blog Love about ways to love yourself. One of my suggestions was to write a love letter to yourself. It sounds cheesy and a little painful, but I tell you what – do it anyway and be honest....