He welcomed the opportunity to share his creation. And it was truly magic. Our son loved it, but truth be told I wanted to lay on the floor and get lost in this little land. This perfect imaginary place carefully constructed beneath his Christmas tree was filled with countless fun details. You could look and look and never see it all. We pointed and oohed and smiled child-like smiles.
As wonderful as the village was, the story of what inspired it is even better. Bob grew up in the 1920s in Pennsylvania where his neighborhood had an amazing Christmas tradition. His mother and other neighbors would cover front porch windows with sheets after Thanksgiving, once their porches were veiled in secrecy the decorating began. Can you imagine the anticipation of children in that neighborhood? The world as they knew it wrapped up like a present. Upon completion the sheets were taken down and the neighbors would mingle around to see what everyone had done. It must have looked like one of those magical collectible Christmas village scene complete with snow covered rooftops, the warm glow of twinkling lights, and frolicking children.
Bob moved to Minnesota, where he and his wife lived in St. Paul. Together they raised ten children. Bob worked as a machinist and ornamental iron worker, and in his spare time built a house in Stillwater, where he still lives today. While the tradition of neighborhood porch decorating didn’t continue, a magical Christmas tradition did evolve.
The tradition of a Christmas village took shape. They started collecting a piece here and there, some pieces came as gifts, others souvenirs from trips, some buildings carefully constructed of painted cereal boxes and over time it grew. Now in his early nineties it is a difficult undertaking to get the village out, crouch under the tree to set up the intricate scene and lights. Apparently, the transformers for the lights are a real hassle. (Isn’t it always the case that fighting with the Christmas lights can suck the Christmas spirit right out of you?) Yet he perseveres. While crawling around on old knees makes him feel every bit his age, I suspect once it is done, he feels like a kid again.
I’m certain the village brings back a flood of memories from childhood to those of his late wife. It is a time capsule. A perfect little place where everyone is smiling and Christmas is always white. He welcomed my family into his home to share this magical place and I’m grateful to have had the chance to visit such a place and meet its builder. He gave our son a hand-crafted log cabin. The roof is painted white and is removable, you can burn incense inside if you want smoke billowing from the chimney. It will be treasured. It has served as the cornerstone of our modest village. We spent the summer picking up peppermint paths and little buildings in hopes of creating our own magical place.
Oh Michelle I am so sorry in my delay. I am just seeing this today. You have me balling! I love your tender and thoughtful portrait of my sweet papa and his magical village AND his tender heart. I am sending the link out to all of my family. I know everyone will be thrilled to read it. I can’t wait to share it with Dad! Thank you for your loving portrait but more than that, thank you for showing such interest in the tradition of my Dad’s, and our family. I love that Max has his little cabin, just like the ones under the tree in the magical village. Much love to you my friend.
I’m so glad you enjoyed it Beth. It was a real treat to meet your dad and see the village. That cabin will be around for a very long time!
What a beautiful story! I also know Beth and have met her dad but never heard this story. A true labor of love and great layout to encourage all to pause and take in the wonders. Merry Christmas
Thanks Gail!
That’s my grandpa! It’s been many years since I’ve been able to be in Minnesota for Christmas but it truly is magical. Thank you for writing this.
Thanks Dustin. I felt lucky to see it and to have met your grandpa!
Your story was so meaningful. I am married to the oldest son of this family. I have always been in awe of the beautiful tree and the village underneath. I never knew the story. It gives me a better appreciation of the history behind it and all the work Bob goes into every year to set it up for all to see. Thank you for sharing. I am looking forward to next year!
Thanks Mary Jo, it really is something special.
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thguoht of that.
Awesome story! I am one of Beth’s best friends and this totally epitomizes what Beth would want you to do and I’m sure her dad was proud as can be! Good luck in your future “villaging”!
Thanks Jean!