Ode to the Evening Walk

Ode to the Evening Walk

An evening walk is a soothing ointment. It takes some of the sting away. It is time to both escape and reconnect. These precious few minutes can put all of the previous hours into clearer focus by softening the lens through which they are viewed. Dusk is my favorite...
Knowing Your Worth

Knowing Your Worth

This post was originally shared on Her View From Home. It used to happen every two weeks. It was routine and expected. It was sometimes anticipated but often taken for granted. It was earned. It was praise for hard work. It was recognition. It provided security,...
Life Lessons and Lawnmowing

Life Lessons and Lawnmowing

We have recently expanded our yard. In the new area, we prepared the soil, fed it fertilizer, and spread grass seed. In the time since we’ve faithfully watered. We watched the black dirt anxiously awaiting some sign of life. Then almost magically it appeared. Little...
The Almost Invisible Girl

The Almost Invisible Girl

It was almost like she was never there and yet I can’t get the image of her out of my head. My son and I were spending the day running errands together and stopped for lunch at a Subway in a quaint town we both enjoy. The sun was shining, the sky blue, and we were...
Kindness Ripples

Kindness Ripples

I have found a way to get a little thrill out of grocery shopping. It is a simple act of kindness that only costs 25 cents that brightens my day. Grocery shopping is not high on my list of favorite activities. As a family, we are trying to eat healthier and all those...